Tesla: The Solar City Acquisition

Excited to share that I’m officially a published author of an Ivey Business School Case.

I wrote a case with the help of Professor Frank Li on Elon Musk and Tesla’s acquisition of Solar City.

The story of how this happened is quite interesting.

Me: Hey Professor Li, have you seen this article about Tesla’s plan to acquire Solar City. Could we have a class discussion about this?

Professor Li: We may not have enough time for a class discussion, But we can have a case written about it and get it published by Ivey.

It’s amazing to me that I originally shared an article in hopes of getting a 5 minute class discussion about it (and maybe some bonus contribution marks 😉 ) and ended up getting an entire case published.

I think there’s a lesson here for life in general to not be afraid to ask for something you want because the payoff is asymmetric.

The downside is capped because the worse they can say is no, but the upside is theoretically unlimited.

Reflecting on how I wrote the case, there is a lot of room for improvement in the case as I could have done a much better job in a lot of areas but overall it was a very good learning experience.

Thanks to Professor Li for helping me write this and Ivey Business School for giving young students an opportunity to have their cases shared with the world.

You can see the case here: https://www.iveycases.com/ProductView.aspx?id=86165