Best Books I Read during Quarantine

Summaries, key takeaways and reviews of the best books I read during quarantine.

Originally a twitter thread.

Summaries, key takeaways and reviews of the best books I read during quarantine

A thread:

Full notes here:


Chaos Monkeys by @antoniogm 

The experiences of someone who had front row seat to the 3 most important institutions in modern capitalism

– Wall Street (Trader at Goldman Sachs)
– Startups (founder at Ycombinator company)
– Tech (Product Manager at Facebook)


Tesla: The Solar City Acquisition

Excited to share that I’m officially a published author of an Ivey Business School Case.

I wrote a case with the help of Professor Frank Li on Elon Musk and Tesla’s acquisition of Solar City.

The story of how this happened is quite interesting.


The Attention Merchants Book Notes: The history and business of trading Human Attention

The history and business of trading Human Attention

The Attention Merchants by Tim Wu is about the history and business of how people trade human attention. Human attention is arguably the most precious commodity in modern history, so this book studies the different ways this valuable asset has been acquired and used over the years.


If you’re reading this, you’re probably not racist, but you might be complicit in racism.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably not racist. But you might be complicit in racism.

I’m not saying this to judge anyone because:

  1. I myself have been complicit in racism before so I don’t want to be a hypocrite. (hence why I deleted my old tweets, you live and you learn)
  2. Nagging, lecturing and virtue signalling people rarely gets them to change their behavior

The Atila Schools and Jobs Guide

The Atila team and I wrote an ebook about the best Canadian Universities for getting jobs at Goldman Sachs, Google, McKinsey, Pfizer and more. It's called The Atila Schools and Jobs Guide. You know how people say that you should go to university so you can get a good job? But then no one can actually tell you objectively and using data which schools actually help you get a good job? I'm super excited to share a project me and a couple friends have been working on. We created the Atila Schools and Jobs Guide, the first ever guide to help students figure out what are the best universities for getting a good job.

The Greatest Trade Ever Book Notes: The Investors of the 2008 Financial Crisis

  • The Greatest Trade Ever is about the 2007/2008 financial crisis and how some people who made money, when everyone else was losing money
  • As I write this we are in the middle of Covid, so these notes are to see if you can take lessons learned from 2008 financial crisis and apply it to 2020 Covid’s financial impact
  • Rereading my notes from this book, I am further convinced that 2008 financial crisis and Covid 19 are different in very subtle ways and one should not draw too many conclusions.

    Hate Inc. Book Notes: Political Media’s Business Model involves Manipulating your Emotions

    Hate Inc by Matt Taibi

    Your anger is the media’s opportunity

    (My riff on Jeff Bezos’ famous aphorism: “Your margin is my opportunity”)

  • Hate Inc by Matt Taibi is about how media companies, particulary, political media companies have a business model that is designed to get you angry and hate the other side.